A Theology of Worship

Spirit & Truth

A look into the theology of worship, why we sing, and how to bring these two things together as a church community.

A.W. Tozer once said, “If we do not worship seven days a week we do not worship one day a week”. Is it possible the church has lost its depth by turning its gatherings into a man-centered event. For decades now we have “focused more on our needs rather than God’s glory”. We have been so busy prescribing band aids for human wants that we have forgotton that presenting the worship of Jesus is the key to the churches power, as well as our personal fulfillment. We believe that worship begins in submission, is initiated by the Spirit, defined by truth and expressed in Love. These three messages attempt to better understand what it means to worship in spirit and truth, how singing can express the worshiping heart, and how to practically lead others into presence of the living God through song.

A Theology of Posture
  • May 1, 2012
  • Josh White
  • Hebrews 10:22
A Theology of Singing
  • April 23, 2012
  • Josh White
  • Psalm 100:1-5
A Theology of Worship
  • April 17, 2012
  • Josh White
  • John 4:22-24